Hiking In Lassen; Manzanita Lake, Reflection Lake, Lilly Pad Pond Trail

Hiking In Lassen; Manzanita Lake, Reflection Lake, Lilly Pad Pond Trail

Art, Series and Works
On August 9th, we combined three trails near the Manzanita Lake entrance side into one longer loop. We started with the Manzinita Lake loop, parking down by the boat launch. Then when we made it to the Visitor Center we crossed the road and completed the Reflection Lake Loop, and at around three-quarters completion you can take a path onto the Lilly Pad Pond loop up to a small pond that is full of Lilly pads. According to my phone's gps the total length was 3.67 miles with 265 ft of elevation gain. [gallery columns="4" size="full" type="slideshow" ids="615,616,617,618,619,613,614"]
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Hiking In Lassen; Crag Lake (Chaos Crags)

Hiking In Lassen; Crag Lake (Chaos Crags)

Art, Series and Works
The first hike that I went on at Lassen National Park is also the last one that I wrote about in Lassen in 2015. Chaos Crags also known as Crag Lake. Its a nice trail that winds up the forest towards a small seasonal lake. Most years I've been out to it there is no water in the lake. But this year there was actually a lake there. It was great to see it with water in it. I took two Photo Sphere on this hike, there were really two view, one looking out from the crag and the other down inside of the crater. [sphere 590] [sphere 591] This was a fun hike to photograph, with many expansive views to take in, even more as you climb higher. [gallery columns="4" size="medium"…
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Hiking in Lassen; Chaos Crags

Series and Works
Last week I hiked part of the Chaos Crags trail in Lassen, the trail follows Manzanita Creek at the start and then winds through the forest. At the end of the trail you have a good view of Chaos Crags, and possible a seasonal lake. My hiking partner wimped out about halfway down the trail after a really long day so we just turned around. Here are some of the photographs leading up to that point, and a Panorama Sphere of the turn around point. [caption id="attachment_160" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A Panorama from the trail.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_159" align="aligncenter" width="666"] Some moss covered trees[/caption] [sphere 161]   We parked next to the Loomis Museum and started from there and while messing around I made a quick panorama of the museum. The museum was built…
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Hiking In Lassen; Mill Creek Falls Trail

Series and Works
Last week I hiked the Mill Creek Falls Trail This trail was not among one of my favorites. The Waterfall itself is really nice, but leading up to it the trail was just not that interesting. We did have three animal encounters on the trail. The first one was a beaver, and he quickly ran across the trail and out of sight, and out of camera range. The other two I captured photographs of. [caption id="attachment_136" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] This chipmunk was sitting there on the way out, and let us get close.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_137" align="aligncenter" width="625"] This Doe had a fawn with her but the fawn ran off quickly.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_139" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A panorama of the forest with a few fallen trees.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_138" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Panorama of Mill Creek…
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Hiking in Lassen; Sifford Lakes Trail

Series and Works
Recently I hiked the Sifford Lakes trail for the first time... I'm not really sure why I've never done this trail before, because there are some stunning locations on the trail. Sifford Lakes is a grouping of around 6 to 8 small lakes, some of them do dry up during the summer months. We could see where there should have been two more lakes. Because the lakes are relatively small and exposed to the sun they make for relatively good swimming. I stopped for a swim on the way back in one of the first lakes that you reach. There is also a offshoot path that goes out to some crags that have a great view of the Warner Valley, and the Devils Kitchen geothermal area. This was our chosen…
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Hiking in Lassen; Terrace, Shadow, and Cliff Lakes

Series and Works
A couple weeks ago I went for a hike in Lassen on the Terrace, Shadow, and Cliff Lakes trail. This trail is one of my favorites in the Lassen area, it offers some great views, and a varied landscape. Not to mention some great looking lakes. It was a rather odd day for Northern California because it was stormy, we were sprinkled on and off the entire hike, and on the way out it was thunderstorming. But the overcast clouds created some great light to photograph in. [caption id="attachment_87" align="aligncenter" width="625"] Headed down from Terrace Lake towards Shadow Lake[/caption] [caption id="attachment_85" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Shadow Lake, from a viewing outlook[/caption] [caption id="attachment_86" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A meadow that the path passes through on the way to Cliff Lake[/caption]  
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