Hiking In Lassen; Mill Creek Falls Trail

Series and Works
Last week I hiked the Mill Creek Falls Trail This trail was not among one of my favorites. The Waterfall itself is really nice, but leading up to it the trail was just not that interesting. We did have three animal encounters on the trail. The first one was a beaver, and he quickly ran across the trail and out of sight, and out of camera range. The other two I captured photographs of. [caption id="attachment_136" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] This chipmunk was sitting there on the way out, and let us get close.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_137" align="aligncenter" width="625"] This Doe had a fawn with her but the fawn ran off quickly.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_139" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A panorama of the forest with a few fallen trees.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_138" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Panorama of Mill Creek…
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Waterballoon Photography

Series and Works
I recently purchased a TriggerTrap Flash Adapter. I was intrigued after reading about a few articles that mentioned using a long camera exposure and then a flash to create the image. That and I also just like gadgets especially when they can connect to my camera. I have a Book project in mind for a larger body of work that has to do with creating an image from a Flash. But the first 10 or so water-balloons came out as the following, minus the failed attempts. These Photographs are all around a 10 second exposure, and taken outside at night. 100 iso, f/11, and the flash units turned down to the lowest setting. I'm not sure on the Textured background, but I wanted to try it. I'll have to view…
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World Photography Day 2015

Series and Works
August 19th was World Photography Day, this date is Photography day because it was when one of the early photography processes was revealed to the world. The daguerreotype was released by the French government and became one of the first commercially available photography processes in 1839 by the 1860 there were other less expensive process available. For the daguerreotype was relatively expensive as it required a polished silver plated copper sheet. World photography day is dedicated as a way to celebrate Photography and all that it is and can be. Today I spent the bulk of the day working on Photography related projects, such as this blog I added a new Panorama-Sphere plugin to. [sphere 121] This Panorama Sphere is my contribution to World Photography Day. I created this in our Vegetable Garden…
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Hiking in Lassen; Sifford Lakes Trail

Series and Works
Recently I hiked the Sifford Lakes trail for the first time... I'm not really sure why I've never done this trail before, because there are some stunning locations on the trail. Sifford Lakes is a grouping of around 6 to 8 small lakes, some of them do dry up during the summer months. We could see where there should have been two more lakes. Because the lakes are relatively small and exposed to the sun they make for relatively good swimming. I stopped for a swim on the way back in one of the first lakes that you reach. There is also a offshoot path that goes out to some crags that have a great view of the Warner Valley, and the Devils Kitchen geothermal area. This was our chosen…
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Timelapse Photography

Series and Works
The other day the light really caught my eye... something that I'm sure most photographers have experienced a multitude of times. But what really caught my attention was the cloud movement around the light spot. It was stormy outside, and nearing sunset time, so I scrambled and grab my camera, Tripod, and Triggertrap mobile (with an old Iphone 4) then I just let it run with a five second delay between photographs. The plan was to allow the timelapse to run until it was dark, and then in processing I would select the bit that I wanted. But in the scramble to capture the scene I forgot to clear the memory card so I ended up with 304 images for this timelapse instead of the 900+ I had planned on having.…
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