Now that the weather is getting nice, I’ve started to go on hikes, and walkabouts again. Mostly at Whiskeytown Recreation Area. I actually have some catching up to do on blog posts, so the photos here were shot on February 2nd. The weather was full overcast, with a very light drizzle that day. I actually went out to Crystal Creek falls that day as well, but I feel like the visit to the El Dorado Mine was the more productive of the two. I’ve photographed here many times before, but rarely was happy with the outcomes. This time I feel like the resulting photos are worthwhile.
I was also offered the chance to review Sleeklens Landscape Adventure Collection, that review will be coming in a week or so. Most of the Photographs shown below were processed using this collection of Photoshop Actions.
Three of the Photographs are Panoramas and three are single frame shots. I’ve been shooting a lot with the 50mm Prime lens. Sometimes as a result to widen my field of view I create way to many panoramas. I am trying to be more conscience of this, after all why shoot with a prime if you are just going to use a panorama to reframe it. Still I have always found Panorama’s useful to create a more expansive view than is achievable with a single lens, it seems it is a fine line to walk.
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This Photosphere is from the aforementioned Crystal Creek Falls, note that the water in the pool by the waterfall is covering the rocks that most photographs are taken from.