Hiking in Lassen; Sifford Lakes Trail

Series and Works
Recently I hiked the Sifford Lakes trail for the first time... I'm not really sure why I've never done this trail before, because there are some stunning locations on the trail. Sifford Lakes is a grouping of around 6 to 8 small lakes, some of them do dry up during the summer months. We could see where there should have been two more lakes. Because the lakes are relatively small and exposed to the sun they make for relatively good swimming. I stopped for a swim on the way back in one of the first lakes that you reach. There is also a offshoot path that goes out to some crags that have a great view of the Warner Valley, and the Devils Kitchen geothermal area. This was our chosen…
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Timelapse Photography

Series and Works
The other day the light really caught my eye... something that I'm sure most photographers have experienced a multitude of times. But what really caught my attention was the cloud movement around the light spot. It was stormy outside, and nearing sunset time, so I scrambled and grab my camera, Tripod, and Triggertrap mobile (with an old Iphone 4) then I just let it run with a five second delay between photographs. The plan was to allow the timelapse to run until it was dark, and then in processing I would select the bit that I wanted. But in the scramble to capture the scene I forgot to clear the memory card so I ended up with 304 images for this timelapse instead of the 900+ I had planned on having.…
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New Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens

Series and Works
I recently purchased a new lens, I've been considering purchasing a 50mm Prime lens for years now, but was never thrilled by the plastic lens mount and the 5 blade aperture of Canon's old 1.8 lens. When Canon released their new f/1.8 in early May, I followed the news and waited for the reviews. Having heard nothing bad about the lens I decided to just go for it. The Speed of this Lens is great, I'm shooting on an older cropped Canon body so the actual focus length is around 80-85. The Stepping Motor is quick to focus and near silent. The only drawback of the Stepping Motor is that it seems tricky to manual focus because there is a slight delay between when the focus responds. But Auto Focus…
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Hiking in Lassen; Terrace, Shadow, and Cliff Lakes

Series and Works
A couple weeks ago I went for a hike in Lassen on the Terrace, Shadow, and Cliff Lakes trail. This trail is one of my favorites in the Lassen area, it offers some great views, and a varied landscape. Not to mention some great looking lakes. It was a rather odd day for Northern California because it was stormy, we were sprinkled on and off the entire hike, and on the way out it was thunderstorming. But the overcast clouds created some great light to photograph in. [caption id="attachment_87" align="aligncenter" width="625"] Headed down from Terrace Lake towards Shadow Lake[/caption] [caption id="attachment_85" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Shadow Lake, from a viewing outlook[/caption] [caption id="attachment_86" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A meadow that the path passes through on the way to Cliff Lake[/caption]  
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Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2015; Grace / Nora Lakes

Global Art Events
It has been over a year since my last update to this blog. I tend to start putting off writing a blog post and then it just continues.  Pretty soon it has been a year of more. I did participate in Worldwide Pinhole Day 2015 this last April. After moving back home from Chico I decided to go up to Grace / Nora Lakes in Shingletown, CA. These two lakes are man made, and were used to generate power in this area, by redirecting  the water down  a canal and over a bluff.   This canal is one that flows between Grace lake (The larger of the two) down to Nora lake. This was photographed from a bridge that crosses over the canal.
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Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2014; Upper Bidwell Park

Global Art Events
This year for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (On Sunday April 27) I went to Upper Bidwell park and took some photographs. I went to two areas of the park, first I went out to around Horseshoe Lake, then on my way out I stopped at 5 mile recreation area. The Photograph that I uploaded to the Worldwide Pinhole Photography website was from 5 mile recreation area. These are made with a Pinhole Body cap, on a Canon 50D, with a very dust covered sensor. I cleaned my sensor after looking at these photos. In the future I might try using my 35mm Canon to make pinholes on, The larger film or sensor size will allow for more detail from the pinhole, as well as not having to deal with dust so much.…
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Semester Break

Series and Works
Last week was semester break at CSU Chico, for my break I went home to the Redding Area in Northern California. I had this grand idea of photography all week long, but come Wednesday I was sick with a cold and didn't want to do much of anything. I made some panorama's of landscapes to use in my Hand of Man series, I still have the photographs from the three days that I did go out even though I lost two days to being sick. I process my panoramas lightly using Photoshop's camera raw, then I export them as a tif and load them into Hugin. Hugin is a Open source program for stitching together Panorama's, I prefer it over Photoshop's Photomerge because it gives me control over what projection…
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LAPS Give and Take Print Exchange, Exhibition and Sale

Exhibitions, Series and Works
The Los Angeles Printmaking Society put out a call for Art a while back for an Exchange and Exhibition. Its titled Give & Take, and the exhibition is up from March 18th to May 9th. I made two prints, for the exchange. Both are Serigraphs, on an 8 by 10 paper size. The image size is smaller, around 6 inches on the longest side. The prints are in the Easternizing Western art series of prints that are based on historical paintings. The two for this exchange are both based on Caravaggio's paintings. The concept has to do with how we look at non-western art in comparison to looking at the actual paintings of western art.   [caption id="attachment_31" align="aligncenter" width="240"] Easternizing Western Art: Caravaggio's Medusa[/caption] [caption id="attachment_32" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Easternizing…
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