Exploring Whiskeytown: Clear Creek Vista Trail

Exploring Whiskeytown: Clear Creek Vista Trail

Art, Series and Works
Well I feel behind on blogging about my exploration out at Whiskeytown. So this hike is from all the way back on March 31st. I had been completing the hikes out at the Tower House Historical District, and this was on on my list that I had never done before. Now that I have completed this hike I'm not really sure why I hadn't hiked this before and I highly recommend this one. This hike starts off with a small climb up the mountain, but then it levels out as you are walking along an old irrigation ditch. After a short walk you get to the main portion of this hike, the views. You can see a long ways from the vantage you have into the valley below. Including the…
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Exploring Whiskeytown: Whiskeytown Falls Trail

Exploring Whiskeytown: Whiskeytown Falls Trail

Art, Series and Works
On March 23rd I ventured out to the Whiskeytown Falls Trail area, also known as the James K. Carr trail. Over the years this has at times been one of my favorite trails at Whiskeytown. I think it is a combination of a big waterfall at the end, and a decent workout to get there. I had the trail mostly to myself on the way in, there was just one person still on the trail and they were headed out, we passed each other around the 1.5 mile mark. When I reached the waterfall I had plenty of time to enjoy the site, eat my lunch and climb up to the trail closed sign, before some other hikers caught up with me. I've always found this to be one of…
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World Photography Day 2015

Series and Works
August 19th was World Photography Day, this date is Photography day because it was when one of the early photography processes was revealed to the world. The daguerreotype was released by the French government and became one of the first commercially available photography processes in 1839 by the 1860 there were other less expensive process available. For the daguerreotype was relatively expensive as it required a polished silver plated copper sheet. World photography day is dedicated as a way to celebrate Photography and all that it is and can be. Today I spent the bulk of the day working on Photography related projects, such as this blog I added a new Panorama-Sphere plugin to. [sphere 121] This Panorama Sphere is my contribution to World Photography Day. I created this in our Vegetable Garden…
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