Hiking in Lassen; Chaos Crags
Last week I hiked part of the Chaos Crags trail in Lassen, the trail follows Manzanita Creek at the start and then winds through the forest. At the end of the trail you have a good view of Chaos Crags, and possible a seasonal lake. My hiking partner wimped out about halfway down the trail after a really long day so we just turned around. Here are some of the photographs leading up to that point, and a Panorama Sphere of the turn around point. [caption id="attachment_160" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] A Panorama from the trail.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_159" align="aligncenter" width="666"] Some moss covered trees[/caption] [sphere 161] We parked next to the Loomis Museum and started from there and while messing around I made a quick panorama of the museum. The museum was built…